I'd like to see a dedicated clan Market-Place of sorts: clannies that are offering items for sale or that are interested in buying certain items.
This might also be an appropriate place for those "I'll always buy item ABC for X meat" collector offers, or the opposite "I've always got item XYZs on discount to clannies who need some" threads.
Other ideas for the market forum:
Keeping a running list of who owns what mall shops and whether they offer discounts for clannies. (as mentioned above)
keeping a list of clannies that are interested in some of the VIP room items but don't have keys (Jack-in-the-box and the handbag dog thingy?),
a thread for clannies looking to swap sets of gift items or other untradeables
A thread dedicated to the above-mentioned "I collect XYZ" offers. (I see we have one
here, but if we get a market sub-forum, this might go better there)
A thread (or just regular posting) for clannies looking to borrow items - items needed for stunt runs, skills, trophies, tattoos, etc, come to mind.