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What would you like to see on the forums?
Since our old forums accidentally got deleted and we had to start fresh, this forums is kind of bare bones. So starting out all over again, we would like to know what all you guys would like to see on this forums. Please feel free to reply to this post with all of your ideas.
I'd like a place to post/view/review run logs.
I'd like to see an up to date thread of "Things to do before ascending". Also, perhaps a place where people could post their alt's clans/basements (if they so choose) that are open to Clannies. I personally have a basement that I use on an alt just for fun and he's starting to get repeat drops, and I'd like to offer them to those who could actually use them.
Also perhaps a discussion forum/info gathering for Updates/Trivial Updates on the game, to make it easier to gather info as it comes out (before the wiki gets updated)
de nisovan:
It finally occurs to me that a list of clan places to look for things may be handy.
By this I mean the "Dungeon Logs" in the basement, the clan activity log, where to go to change clans if you have whitelising. Maybe a topic that only clan officers can post and update? Just a suggestion.
In the same way it would be good to have a distilled version of what is needed for certain runs. Like helping a fellow clannie who's doing a slimeling run or doing a hat-and-stick run in hobopolis. I find the wiki covers too many possibilities and a simple checklist may help.
If wasn't going on vacation next week I'd offer to help buy family first, Old CW has to wait it's turn. But I'm willing to do the initial work if people can wait a few weeks.
--- Quote ---a place where people could post their alt's clans/basements (if they so choose) that are open to Clannies. I personally have a basement that I use on an alt just for fun and he's starting to get repeat drops, and I'd like to offer them to those who could actually use them.
--- End quote ---
We already have a place for this: http://oldcws.createaforum.com/hobopolis-basement/old-cw%27s-side-clans-available-for-private-runs/
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