Welcome Wagon > Welcome Wagon
Newbie Frequently Asked Questions
Q1. What is the purpose of a clan?
A - Clans exist for the social aspect of this game. We expect members to contribute to the social atmosphere by posting on the message boards, visiting the clan chat channel and by donating to the clan stash or coffer. In return, we have purchased some goodies in the clan rumpus room. Feel free to take meat from the clan trees and stuffies from the klaw machine every day.We are glad to have you in the clan and hope you enjoy the game and the clan atmosphere!
Q2. How can I raise in rank access the clan basement dungeons?
A - Progression is automatic until the Doctor rank. To become Attending Physician, reach a clan karma balance of 50k and kmail PeKaJe.
Q3. How much karma do I have?
A - If you go to the clan stash up near the top of the page you will find a statement something like this;
You currently have 500 Clan Karma.
Your clan grants 1 Karma for every 2 Meat you contribute.
You may spend up to 100 Karma per day.
This is an example of what it will look like when you first join the clan. The 500 is your karma, the point system in clans. It acts like meat which you can use to take items out of the clan stash. The amount of karma you have determines your daily karma spending limit. The more karma you have,the more karma you will be able to spend taking items from the stash per day. This example shows you can take 100 karma worth of stuff out of stash each day. Each item in the stash has a karma cost, which is displayed after the name of the item (for instance (-17), this item would cost 17 karma). It works the opposite way if you donate items to the stash. You will see (+17), which means you will gain 17 karma by giving this item to the clan stash and allowing other players access to it.
Q4. So what are the clan ranks and how much karma do I need for each?
A - There are 3 probationary ranks (Med School Freshman, Intern and Resident) which you get through in your initial weeks in the clan.
Next is the Doctor rank which is what most people in the clan are.
Blood Donors are multis of a clan member that are dedicated to meat farming for the clan.
Leaders, Officers and Assistants are filled by the officers from people who have volunteered and are active in various parts of the clan's regular duties (like treasury, forum moderation, personnel, etc)
The New Ranks:
We now have a group of ranks which are based mostly on meat donations. The names of those ranks vary from Witch Doctor to Brain Surgeon and give a slightly higher allowance of clan stash withdrawal priviledges.
Q5. How do I access clan chat?
A - Go to Seaside Town, click on the right side of the tracks, and click on the Altar of Literacy. Pass the very easy test and the chat pane will be unlocked. You will see an "Enter the Chat" link in the upper right corner of your screen. Click there, and you will be in the chat channel /newbie. Simply type in "/c clan" without the quotes into the chat bar and hit enter. You'll be in /clan where you can chat with other clannies, ask for help, introduce yourself, and have a good time.
Q6. Why do I have to use good grammar in /clan?
A - We are a cooperative clan that welcomes everyone, specially newbies not yet used to the game lingo. Please no leet speak. We're very understanding if English is not your native language and of spelling and grammar errors. We try to chat in a pleasant and easy to understand way.
Q7. Can I have some meat?
A - While a few people may answer your plea with a little meat, it annoys almost everyone else. It is much more productive if you ask for help attaining a specific goal, for instance a specific item. "Can I get some help acquiring a meatspout staff?" will get much better results than "meet plz". We do have a Welcome Wagon team that offers a little free meat and items to newbies.
Q8. How can one become a clan officer or moderator?
A - Clan officers are generally people who have been around the clan for a while and have several ascensions. They are willing to do work for the clan. Enjoy your first ascension or two and after you become experienced, come and offer to help. If you need help, you should by all means just ask in clan chat, forum or discord.The criteria for officers are: Experience in the game (in order to better help new members, friendliness, activity (is on most days), and willingness to do specific tasks for the clan.
Q9. Why doesn't our clan ever go to war?
A - We are a social clan intent on friendship, not war. War costs lots of meat to build and maintain troops (we're talking millions per day here, folks). If you'd like to front the meat yourself, we'll consider it, but until then, we'll pass. It's a meatsink and usually meat is much better spent in clan advertising, which is a daily fee taken from our clan coffer in order for our clan to appear higher in the search results when players search for clans. In fact, you're probably a member due to this.
Q10. Can I be an asshat in other chat channels or to other players?
A - If anyone catches wind of any asshat behavior by any clan member from any reliable source, you will be booted from this clan and your actions will be reported to the leader of the next clan you join. Asshat behavior includes, but is not limited to: scamming, spamming, begging, arguing with mods, repeatedly getting banned from chat by mods and everything else asshatish that isn't coming to mind right now.
This does not apply to almost all of you, and no one should be afraid to be themselves in chat, but if you have to ask yourself if you're being an asshat, you should probably consider changing your actions. And thank you to all you non-asshats out there for making this game more enjoyable!
Q11. I have a question! Where can I go to get an answer?
A - There are many places you can go to get answers to your KoL questions. The easiest place is the KoL wiki, a site dedicated to documenting everything about the game. Search for what you're looking for from the main page. The link is:
If you don't find an answer there, or need more information from actual players, please post on the in game clan message boards or ask in clan chat. If your question is for a specific player, send it in k-mail by clicking on the messages link and typing the player's name or number in the "To" box.
Hope this answers a few of your questions! :)
(Edited by Quelzie on February 2024)
Accordion Beef:
Hi -
I've asked for permission to enter the basement a couple times and haven't heard anything. I'm an attending physician and have signed everything I need to sign (I think) and messaged whom I've needed to message. Does it usually take a couple of days?
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