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Welcome Wagon / Re: Who are you?
« Last post by Quelzie on April 08, 2022, 09:07:57 am »
Well met, clan! It's good to be here! Im just 3 days into KoL and loving it.  What a strange and perfect place for me to be!

My name is Raquel Gutierrez and I'm a 39 years-old Spanish-Brazilian professor. RPGs are a big part of my life since I was the first girl to ever DM in my old backwater town. I am always curious and eager to learn at everything I do, from teaching arts to playing sports and researching for my doctorate.

I also take care of my elderly parents and enjoy a quiet awesome game while keeping an eye on them. KoL is helping me to fight a pandemic depression, so being here with you is very special to me.

I hope to learn the ropes fast and contribute to the clan as much as I can. I will be here every day, even if just for a few minutes. If you have any task for this newbie, just point me in the right direction and I will help! I hope to adventure with you all very soon.

Warm greetings from my lovely Brazilian beachside town,

Raquel "Quelzie" Gutierrez
Welcome Wagon / Re: Who are you?
« Last post by Harlequins Dance on April 01, 2022, 03:19:21 pm »
Hello! I'm HQD. I used to play KoL back in '09-'12. Coming back to it a decade later is really fun. So much has changed, yet in some ways it's all still the same. I was a member of Cir Senam's, if any of you remember that clan. I would stay up very, very late into the evening to clear out hobopolis with friends I'd met in the clan, and those are some of my favorite gaming memories. If anyone spots Maemian, let me know!

Aside from KoL, I'm a video and board gamer, a writer, and a bridge player. I love sci-fi, fantasy, and adventure. I love my family. I got engaged this winter and am so, so excited to start my own family with my wife-to-be.

In-game, my main goal is to get back to killing hobopolis bosses. It's a shame you can only get 10 drops per fight now, but it's still the best way to contribute to the clan I think--getting 1000% item drop wasn't hard back in the day, and I'm sure it's only gotten easier now, and with most drops being worth 50k+ on the market, no one should have a problem (in my opinion) donating 200,000 meat per boss they kill, which means hobopolis pays for itself. Anyway, it's what I loved back then and I want to get back in shape for it.

To that end, I'm gonna churn through a few ascensions to get some basic skills going, things like Ambi Funkslinging, Torso Awaregness, Familiar-buffing skills, the +item% passives, etc., and then hope to roll through hobopolis a few times. We'll see after that. Maybe speed runs, maybe more ascending, maybe I'll find something new to do!

Gonna get my six bad moon runs out of the way right away, starting with black cat disco bandit. I'm excited for them :) Kudos to Moondog for the fortuitously-timed contest!

Thanks to everyone for the warm, warm welcome I've received in clan chat, particularly from Zoloft, Chunky, and KingDave. Glad to be a part of OldCW's. Looking forward to getting to know everyone!
Welcome Wagon / Re: Forum Rules and Permissions
« Last post by Harlequins Dance on April 01, 2022, 02:59:28 pm »
Read and understood!
Welcome Wagon / Re: Forum Rules and Permissions
« Last post by Kuile on March 03, 2022, 09:47:39 am »
Welcome Wagon / Re: Forum Rules and Permissions
« Last post by Zarino on February 28, 2022, 11:33:29 pm »
Welcome Wagon / Re: Who are you?
« Last post by Zarino on February 28, 2022, 11:32:18 pm »
Hello, I'm Zarino. Played around 14 years ago. Happy to be here, and thank you for having me.
Welcome Wagon / Re: Newbie Frequently Asked Questions
« Last post by Synonym Bun on December 20, 2021, 05:21:28 pm »
I have read and understood.
Welcome Wagon / Re: Who are you?
« Last post by plantagenet on December 18, 2021, 08:56:05 am »
26yo American guy who has been playing KoL on and off for the last few years. Haven't managed to get the gumption to join a clan until now, so this is my first clan. Glad to be here!
Welcome Wagon / Re: Forum Rules and Permissions
« Last post by plantagenet on December 17, 2021, 11:22:34 am »
Replying for permissions  ;D
Welcome Wagon / Re: Who are you?
« Last post by Synonym Bun on December 06, 2021, 05:11:41 pm »
I am a long-time gamer, first-time KoL-er. I'm having a great time and may be essaying the basement soon, although I feel apprehensive about making an error both in chat and in the basement itself. Thanks for having me.
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